In a land as ancient as time itself, two dragons roamed, embodying the eternal dance between light and darkness, masculine and feminine. Sol, the black dragon, was as dark as the night sky and lived deep within a dense forest cave. He was the embodiment of passion, progress, and strength—an earth dragon and a timeless warrior, believed to be the reincarnation of King Arthur Pendragon himself. Sol believed he was the last of his kind, waiting for the day when humanity would need his light, fire, and courage.

Luna, the white dragon, was as luminescent as glistening snow with a sparkling aura that shimmered like the stars. She descended from the heavens, representing purity, light, and creativity. An air dragon, Luna was a guardian of the cosmos, as ancient as the stars themselves, and thought to be the incarnation of Goddess Guinevere, Arthur’s queen. As she journeyed to Earth, she appeared as an aurora in the night sky, illuminating the dark with her ethereal glow. Luna made her home in a cave on top of an icy mountain, where she could watch over the world below.

Though they were as the sun and moon, forever chasing one another, their fates intertwined one Beltane, on the 1st of May. This festival of love and fertility saw the union of earth and sky, symbolised by the meeting of Sol and Luna. On this sacred day, when the veil between worlds was thinnest, Luna descended from her mountain and Sol emerged from his forest.

Sol, isolated and feared by humanity for his fearsome appearance and immense power, had spent centuries in solitude. His only companions were the whispers of the ancient trees and the shadows of the night. The humans, unable to see past his imposing exterior, had driven him into hiding. Yet, within his heart burned a relentless fire of hope, awaiting the moment when he could once again offer his strength and courage to those in need.

Luna’s task was to find Sol and restore this hope, for just like the moon, she appeared at the darkest moments as a guiding light. She soared across the sky, her presence a beacon for lost souls. As she drew closer to the earth, her radiant glow dispelled the shadows, revealing the path to Sol’s hidden cave.

When they finally met, the ground trembled with the power of their union. Sol’s dark scales glistened with an inner fire, while Luna’s shimmering presence cast a soft, soothing light. They stood as embodiments of the cosmic dance, the eternal balance of opposites. Sol, with his rugged strength and ancient wisdom, and Luna, with her celestial grace and boundless creativity.

In each other, they found what they had been missing. Sol’s fierce determination was tempered by Luna’s gentle wisdom, and Luna’s ethereal light was grounded by Sol’s solid presence. They realised they were the yin and yang of the world, each completing the other.

Their union reminded humanity that within every soul lies both darkness and light, masculine and feminine. Embracing both is the key to true balance and harmony. Sol and Luna’s story became a timeless lesson: in the depths of darkness, light is found. It is in our darkest moments that our inner light shines the brightest, guiding us towards our true selves.

Through their journey, Sol and Luna showed that the human spirit is resilient and capable of incredible transformation. They encouraged people to honour both their divine masculine and feminine aspects, for we embody both. By embracing this duality, we find balance, purpose, and peace.

And so from that day forward, on every Beltane, as the fires were lit and the sky was adorned with Luna’s shimmering presence, the people would remember the infamous tale of the two Dragons; Sol and Luna. Where the Earth and the Cosmos would unite on Beltane and in that moment were one. They would celebrate the union of the earth and the sky, the light and the dark, the masculine and the feminine, understanding that in this sacred balance, true harmony can be found and therefore you are always whole.

Mystic Sariel avatar

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